For the past few weeks I have been working on developing a new camp webpage that I can update online. The webpage is now ready for you to view and to download information about this year's camp. The webpage is at The old website is now defunct, so please use this new address.
You will also find who will be the Teen and Junior Chapel speakers and the missionary speaker for this year. The theme for 2013 is "Glorifying God" based on the Bible Class lessons on the book of Psalms.
On the "Contact us" page there is a contact form that can use if you have any questions or suggestions for this year's camp. Please feel free to leave a comment, even if it simply "HI". Also let us know what you liked about last year's camp or what you did not like. What was you favorite part of camp? Do you have a suggestion for an Interest Group? Is there other information that you would like to see on the web page? We would love to hear from you.
Above all, if you haven't registered for camp, why not do so now! Don't wait for the last minute.
Hello, I would like to put a bug in parents' ears about safety as they send their kids off to bible camp, or perhaps are expecting their return as camp dwindles to a close. I know that many bible camp participants get there by coach bus, but unfortunately, buses equipped with seat belts are few and far between. I wonder why? So do the makers of SafeHarness, a life-saving portable seat belt that aims to change all of that. It's the only patented safety belt designed for travel buses of its kind, but the makers need as much help as they can get pushing this product to production. Please, if you can take just a few seconds to follow the link below, and take a look at their fundraising campaign on IndieGogo, or perhaps share the link with everyone you know, you would be making a tremendous positive impact on the safety of our children. Thank you so much for all that you do. Let's make seat belts an option for all bus riders!